Natural Solutions for Stabilizing Our Coastlines

Natural Solutions for Stabilizing Our Coastlines Online

Learn about the role of nature-based coastal resilience solutions in combatting the effects of climate change in our communities. A representative of the Climate Ready Casco Bay project will talk about the process for developing a collaborative regional resilience plan to mitigate flood risks and manage erosion. This joint project, facilitated by the Greater Portland Council of Governments and the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, is focusing on 11 Casco Bay communities, including Chebeague Island and Cumberland. We'll also hear from an expert in ecological restoration and coastal stabilization projects about his extensive on-the-ground experience helping land trusts, conservation commissions, and private landowners.

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Sara Mills-Knapp works to position Greater Portland Council of Governments as a regional and statewide leader in climate-change mitigation, adaptation and resilience. She leads the statewide Maine Clean Communities program and supports members with technical assistance on key sustainability issues. Sara comes to GPCOG with extensive experience providing technical, financial, and organizational guidance on climate action programs for cities around the globe through her work with the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development and the C40 Cities Network. She has partnered closely with cities and towns to advance best practices in climate action planning, including data collection and analysis and citizen engagement and governance.  Sara has a masters degree in Sustainability Management from Columbia University in New York and a bachelors degree in International Relations from American University in Washington, D.C.

Seth Wilkinson is a certified ecological restoration practitioner and president of Wilkinson Ecological Design. Considered a regional expert in the field of coastal bioengineering and ecological restoration in Massachusetts, he has participated in hundreds of ecological restoration projects for land trusts, conservation commissions and private individuals. Founded on the mission to protect and restore the ecological integrity of unique natural ecosystems, Wilkinson Ecological Design excels in some of the most progressive habitat restoration and living shoreline installations in coastal New England.

About the series: Weathering Climate Change: Understanding Shifts in Our Local Landscapes is an educational series of walks and talks aimed at informing, engaging, and uniting community members of Cumberland and Chebeague Island around local climate issues that impact us all. The series is offered in collaboration with Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust (CCLT), Sustainable Cumberland, ME, and the Chebeague Climate Action Team.


Tuesday, May 14, 2024
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
  Environment & Sustainability     Special Event > Featured  
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